As Catholic Christians, we want to proclaim, celebrate, and live our faith joyfully.
May you find our website a helpful introduction to our parish and its various ministries and services.
Thanks to all who attended the Annual General Meeting on Sunday, March 2.
Blessed ashes available from table in Gathering Area for you to take.
Stations of the Cross - Fridays at 6:30 pm, March 7 to April 11.
Vietnamese Stations of the Cross Fridays at 8 pm
Lenten Reconciliation Service - Wed. March 26 at 7 pm
WEEKENDS: Saturdays 5 pm
Sundays 9 am & 11 am
Tuesday 7 pm
Wed., Thurs. Fri. 8:30 am
Any other changes published in bulletin.
Also visit our Facebook page
Reconciliation - see under Sacraments tab or in weekly bulletin.
MASKS optional at Holy Trinity. IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS of any illness, please stay home. The sick and medically vulnerable have always been dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. If you are ill, elderly, or medically vulnerable in any way, you are urged to continue to take every precaution to keep yourself and others safe.
Resources to help us learn, engage, and walk with Indigenous and non-Indigenous on the journey to truth and reconciliation. One of the best things we can do at this time is to become familiar with the TRC Calls to Action and UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples).
Where to EDUCATE Yourself on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
- The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website includes reports (modern and historical), educational resources, maps, and much more: http://www.nctr.ca/
- TRC Calls to Action
- Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC)
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
- Video: How UNDRIP Changes Canada's Relationship with Indigenous Peoples (5 minutes)
Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre: https://sicc.sk.ca/
Live Stream Masses, Archdiocese of Regina, Links at www.youtube.com/@ArchdioceseofRegina
Pray with the Church's daily Scriptures
Watch the Daily Mass (National Catholic Broadcasting Council, Toronto)
Glory Be To The Father, And To The Son, And To The Holy Spirit. As It Was In The Beginning, Is Now, And Ever Shall Be, World Without End. Amen!